Week 6


When people from other countries think about America, they often think that Americans only eat Pizza, Hamburgers and Hot Dogs. The imagine that we only drink cola and beer. This is a misconception. Americans actually eat a wide variety of foods from all over the world. Since the American people are made up of people from all over the world the different cultures and foods of the world have also become a part of the American culture. Just take a look at some of the food Phill's had since he's been back.

American Food Pictures

Eggplants Lasagna. Grilled fish and bread. Spinach Pie, mashed potatoes and corn.
Szechwan flavored buffalo wings. Biscuits, eggs, cheese, tomatoes and home fries. Stir fried vegetables and rice.
A gyro! Turkey, tomato and sprouts on a bagel. French toast, bacon and eggs. Yum yum!

This Week's Homework

What is a common misconception that foreigners have about your country? Why do you think they have that misconception? Why is it a misconception? What's wrong about it?